A total of 28 individuals who protested against the Goods andServices Tax (GST) at the Customs Complex, Kelana Jaya yesterday, were remanded for two days.

JUHAM lawyer Muhammad Zaki Sukery, 29 said of the 29 arrested, only the activist Khalid Ismath wasreleasedat 11am.

"Khalid was released from remand, where he was already detained by the police for 24 hours. The others who were detained, will be released at 5pm and 11pm tomorrow," he said.

Those charged include members of Parliament, Dr Hatta Ramli (Kuala Krai) and Dr Michael Jeyakumar (Sungai Siput).

Meanwhile, lawyer Dinesh Muthal, 29 saidthywere remanded under Section 143, 353, 186 of the Penal Code.

Clashes occurred between the secretariat of the Gabungan Bantah Cukai BarangandanPerkhidmatan (GST) and the police during the submission of the memorandum to the Customs.