Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak today questioned whether the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has now been accepted as a reliable source so much so Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wants a special report by the Australian TV station be aired on Malaysian TV.

Salleh said the former prime minister wants the ABC's Four Corners special report on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to be aired in Malaysia so that Malaysians will know the truth.

"When ABC reports about Najib they are telling the truth. Is this what Mahathir is trying to say?" he said in his latest blog posting today.

Earlier this week, a Malaysian government spokesperson had said in a statement that ABC's 'Four Corners' report confirmed that funds deposited into the account of the prime minister were a donation from the Saudi royal family.

The spokesperson also said a leaked letter from Saudi Arabia stating that the donation was a gift to Najib for promoting moderate Islam and combating terrorism and extremism - such as by launching his Global Movement of the Moderates - was made available to the television station.

The spokesperson also said that the letter which made clear that the gift was to be used as the Prime Minister saw fit, would be transferred directly or through the donor's companies, and no benefit was expected in return.

Salleh said: "And what truth is it that Mahathir wants Malaysians to know - that Najib did not steal any money from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and that the RM2.6 billion banked into Najibs personal bank account did not come from 1MDB?

"Mahathir now considers ABC as a reliable source and wants the Australian TV stations special report to be the basis of how Najib should be judged.

"In short, Mahathir wants Najib to be tried through the media and to be convicted in the court of public opinion," he added.