BANGKOK:Thailand Prime Minister Prayuth Chan o-cha said he "is preparing” to lift the state of emergency in Bangkok, which was imposed last Thursday in a bid to end protests in the city.

Prayuth, who is also the Defence Minister, said he would make the first move to de-escalate the situation.

“I am preparing to lift the state of severe emergency in Bangkok and will do so promptly if there are no violent incidents,” he said in a televised address yesterday.

Last Thursday (Oct 15), Prayuth declared ‘Serious Emergency Situation in Bangkok’ to ban gatherings of five or more people, effective from 4 am (local time) in a bid to end three months of student-led street protests.

It also prohibits the publication of news and other online messages that could affect national security and create fear or disseminate false information.

However, the declaration prompted daily demonstrations by thousands of anti-government protesters in Bangkok.

Prayuth, meanwhile, said the only way to achieve a lasting solution to the problem was to speak to each other, respect the due process of the law and let the will of the people be resolved in Parliament.

“The protestors have made their voices and views heard. 

“It is now time for them to let their views be reconciled with the views of other segments of Thai society through their representatives in Parliament,” he said.

On Tuesday, the Cabinet approved the holding of a special parliamentary session to discuss the on-going anti-government protests on Oct 26 and Oct 27.

Meanwhile, thousands of anti-government protesters gathered at the Victory Monument from at 4 pm (local time) today and marched towards the prime minister's office known as the Government House in Bangkok.

Despite barricades being set up along the way, the protesters still made their way to outside the Government House at around 8.15 pm (local time) to demand his resignation, saying that another protest would be held if their demand is not meet in three days.

The protesters dispersed at 9.35 pm.