'Star Wars' series 'Andor' explores dark days in the galaxy's revolution
The newest "Star Wars" television series will tell the story of a dark period in the life of future "Rogue One" hero Cassian Andor.
Fri Aug 05 2022

'Mereka hanya mahu Ip Man dalam Star Wars' - Donnie Yen
Bagi pelakon yang dikenali menerusi trilogi Ip Man ini, mwe tidak ada bezanya dengan watak yang diberikan Hollywood kepadanya.
Wed Jan 10 2018

Actors seek posthumous protections after big-screen resurrections
Filmmakers are tapping advances in digital technology to resurrect characters after a performer dies, most notably in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story."
Sat Dec 31 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars story, terbaik selepas The Force Awakens
Prekuel filem sains fiksyen Star Wars, iaitu Rogue One: A Star Wars Story memang sangat dinanti oleh para peminat dan pengikut setianya di seluruh dunia.
Thu Dec 22 2016

The force is strong with 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'
Disney's "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" has gone straight to the top of the global box office on its debut weekend according to the official estimates from comScore.
Mon Dec 19 2016

'Rogue One' offers lens into high-stakes 'Star Wars' rebel mission
"Rogue One," in theaters starting Wednesday, offers a new perspective into the events that kicked off the "Star Wars" phenomenon in George Lucas' 1977 "Episode IV - A New Hope."
Wed Dec 14 2016

'Rogue One' premiere brings the Force back to Hollywood
The $200 million spin-off is expected to be the hottest ticket of 2016, recording the second-highest first day of domestic pre-sales ever, behind last year's "The Force Awakens."
Sun Dec 11 2016

'Rogue One' composer Michael Giacchino to score 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'
Film composer Michael Giacchino, the man behind the music of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," is set to score the highly anticipated "Spider-Man: Homecoming".
Mon Nov 07 2016

5 perkara dari Star Wars Celebration, termasuk Han Solo baharu
Konvensyen Star Wars Celebration di London mendedahkan beberapa penting mengenai francais tersebut, termasuk pelakon Han Solo baharu.
Tue Jul 19 2016

5 things we learned about upcoming movies from this year's Star Wars Celebration
Fans eagerly awaiting news on the franchise's upcoming instalment weren't treated to as many revelations as they might have hoped.
Mon Jul 18 2016

Trailer pertama Rogue One papar alam baharu Star Wars
Filem spin-off arahan Gareth Edwards itu menampilkan Felicity Jones sebagai watak utama, bakal ditayangkan Disember tahun ini.
Fri Apr 08 2016

'Star Wars' spin-off 'Rogue One' is most anticipated movie of 2016
Following the global success of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", moviegoers are clearly keen to feast their eyes on the spin-off "Rogue One" film due out this year.
Wed Jan 06 2016