Carian mengenai topik primat

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai primat dari Astro Awani

Syarikat Indonesia bina jambatan arboreal untuk primat Sumatera

Syarikat Indonesia bina jambatan arboreal untuk primat Sumatera

Melalui jambatan arboreal itu, primat dapat bergerak bebas ke kawasan lain, mencari makanan dan membiak tanpa gangguan aktiviti manusia.
Sun Dec 01 2024
Usia bukan penghalang, Dr Jane Goodall komited jalankan tanggungjawab

Usia bukan penghalang, Dr Jane Goodall komited jalankan tanggungjawab

Walaupun sudah mencecah 90 tahun, beliau yang masih mempunyai kudrat membuat kajian khususnya berkaitan haiwan chimpanzi menyifatkan ia adalah sebuah anugerah yang luar biasa.
Sat Nov 23 2024
Orang utan rawat luka sendiri guna tumbuhan

Orang utan rawat luka sendiri guna tumbuhan

Orang utan bernama Rakus merawat luka di mukanya dengan mengunyah daun Akar Kuning dan berulang kali menyapu ke atas luka itu.
Fri May 03 2024
Four lessons from Jane Goodall as the renowned primatologist turns 90

Four lessons from Jane Goodall as the renowned primatologist turns 90

Jane Goodall reflects on the resilience of nature and how technology and tradition can both support conservation efforts.
Sun Apr 07 2024
What makes us human? Primate genome study offers some clues

What makes us human? Primate genome study offers some clues

Researchers said they sequenced and analyzed the genomes of 233 primate species, comprising nearly half of those alive today.
Fri Jun 02 2023
Gibbons adapt their vocalizations when singing duets

Gibbons adapt their vocalizations when singing duets

Researchers discovered that white-handed gibbons don't sing in quite the same way when performing solo or with a partner.
Sun Jan 22 2023
WHO turns to public for monkeypox name change

WHO turns to public for monkeypox name change

Experts warn the name can be stigmatising to the primates it was named after, but who play little role in its spread.
Wed Aug 17 2022
Primatologist Jane Goodall gets Barbie doll in her likeness

Primatologist Jane Goodall gets Barbie doll in her likeness

As part of its Inspiring Women Series, Mattel nods to Goodall's groundbreaking studies of chimpanzees and conservation efforts.
Tue Jul 12 2022
Mattel lancar patung Barbie ahli primatologi terkenal Jane Goodall

Mattel lancar patung Barbie ahli primatologi terkenal Jane Goodall

Diperbuat daripada plastik dikitar semula, ia merupakan sebahagian daripada Siri Wanita Berinspirasi syarikat itu.
Tue Jul 12 2022
Penduduk dalam ketakutan, dakwa diserang monyet ketika tidur

Penduduk dalam ketakutan, dakwa diserang monyet ketika tidur

Kumpulan primat itu memasuki kediaman penduduk menerusi tingkap rumah yang tidak ditutup rapat.
Fri May 27 2022
How primates are aiding the fight against COVID-19 in Louisiana

How primates are aiding the fight against COVID-19 in Louisiana

Many of the primates are destined for use in scientific research, including in experiments for COVID-19.
Fri Jun 11 2021
Red Leaf Monkey Species Flourishes In Sabahs Undisturbed Jungles

Red Leaf Monkey Species Flourishes In Sabahs Undisturbed Jungles

Maklarin managed to collect 2,000 hours of data on the red leaf monkey from his research conducted over a total of eight years.
Thu Feb 11 2021
Southeast Asia's endangered primates

Southeast Asia's endangered primates

This year alone, at least five Southeast Asian primates have been listed as "critically endangered" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.
Tue Dec 15 2020
Newly discovered primate in Myanmar 'already facing extinction'

Newly discovered primate in Myanmar 'already facing extinction'

The Popa langur is named after an extinct volcano in Myanmar which is home to around 100 of the primates.
Thu Nov 12 2020
Thailand sangkal dakwaan seksa monyet dalam industri kelapa

Thailand sangkal dakwaan seksa monyet dalam industri kelapa

Jurin Laksanawisit menolak tuduhan yang dibuat oleh People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) dan menjelaskan ia bukanlah aktiviti utama industri itu.
Tue Jul 07 2020