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NASA dedah warna sebenar planet Pluto

NASA dedah warna sebenar planet Pluto

Gambar menunjukkan warna sebenar planet Pluto termasuk 'jantung' planet kerdil iaitu glasier yang mengandungi nitrogen dan metana.
Mon Nov 28 2022
Towering ice volcanoes identified on surprisingly vibrant Pluto

Towering ice volcanoes identified on surprisingly vibrant Pluto

Scientists said these cryovolcanoes extrude large amounts of ice - apparently frozen water rather than some other frozen material.
Thu Mar 31 2022
APMM patah cubaan seludup lebih 1,000 paket minyak masak ke negara jiran

APMM patah cubaan seludup lebih 1,000 paket minyak masak ke negara jiran

Anggota bertugas dalam Op Pluto Timur diatur gerak ke lokasi selepas menerima maklumat dari unit perisikan maritim.
Sun Sep 26 2021
Rokok seludup bernilai RM29.6 juta dirampas di perairan Sabah

Rokok seludup bernilai RM29.6 juta dirampas di perairan Sabah

APMM Sabah berjaya merampas 4,000 kotak rokok seludup yang dianggarkan bernilai RM29.6 juta dalam serbuan ke atas sebuah kapal kargo di perairan Kudat.
Mon May 10 2021
Jelaslah kini, batu angkasa Ultima Thule berbentuk snowman berwarna merah

Jelaslah kini, batu angkasa Ultima Thule berbentuk snowman berwarna merah

Ultima Thule, batu angkasa berais di hujung sistem solar yang ditemui kapal angkasa ekplorasi New Horizon dirakam berbentuk seperti orang salji atau snowman yang berwarna merah.
Thu Jan 03 2019
Kapal angkasa NASA tiba di objek paling jauh pernah diterokai

Kapal angkasa NASA tiba di objek paling jauh pernah diterokai

Batu angkasa berais dinamakan Ultima Thule itu, kelihatan seakan kacang, terletak di tengah-tengah Kuiper Belt di sekeliling orbit planet Neptun.
Tue Jan 01 2019
Warga emas seludup 2,130 liter minyak petrol ditahan

Warga emas seludup 2,130 liter minyak petrol ditahan

Cubaan seorang warga emas untuk menyeludup keluar 71 tong berisi 2,130 liter minyak petrol ke negara jiran tidak berjaya apabila lelaki itu ditahan APMM di perairan Tanjung Berungus, di sini.
Sun Nov 12 2017
Dua warga asing ditahan seludup barang bersubsidi

Dua warga asing ditahan seludup barang bersubsidi

APMM berjaya merampas beberapa barangan subsidi yang disyaki cuba diseludup ke negara jiran dalam tangkapan dua lelaki warga asing di 0.2 batu nautika berhampiran perairan Esplaned Kudat, semalam.
Mon Oct 23 2017
North Korea may have more bomb fuel than thought: US think tank

North Korea may have more bomb fuel than thought: US think tank

The analysis by 38 North was based on satellite images of the radiochemical laboratory at the Yongbyon nuclear plant from September until the end of June.
Fri Jul 14 2017
Blue skies, frozen water detected on Pluto

Blue skies, frozen water detected on Pluto

NASA released an image showing a blue layer of haze around Pluto, taken by the New Horizons spacecraft's camera.
Sat Oct 10 2015
NASA set to reveal another space discovery

NASA set to reveal another space discovery

The space agency also disclosed latest images of planet Pluto shedding the light on the landscape of mountains, craters and gorges of the dwarf planet.
Thu Oct 08 2015
New Horizons papar imej terbaharu Pluto

New Horizons papar imej terbaharu Pluto

New Horizons papar imej terbaharu Pluto
Thu Jul 16 2015
Pluto photos from New Horizons reveal

Pluto photos from New Horizons reveal

This July 13, 2015 image provided by NASA shows Pluto, seen from the New Horizons spacecraft. The United States is now the only nation to vi
Thu Jul 16 2015
Pluto's surface surprisingly full of mountains and lacking craters

Pluto's surface surprisingly full of mountains and lacking craters

The most detailed photo of Pluto captured revealed a terrain with an unexpected lack of craters and an abundance of mountains.
Thu Jul 16 2015
US spacecraft whizzes past Pluto in historic flyby

US spacecraft whizzes past Pluto in historic flyby

An unmanned NASA spacecraft passed Pluto after a journey of three billion miles (4.8 billion kilometers) and nearly 10 years.
Wed Jul 15 2015