Carian mengenai topik notebook

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai notebook dari Astro Awani

Hos AI Google NotebookLM diajar untuk tidak benci manusia

Hos AI Google NotebookLM diajar untuk tidak benci manusia

Google perlu melatih hos AI dengan "friendliness tuning" yang sesuai untuk menjadi lebih mesra seakan kawan.
Thu Jan 16 2025
Microsoft uji Copilot Notebook dan Designer baharu terus pada Edge

Microsoft uji Copilot Notebook dan Designer baharu terus pada Edge

Pengguna dan pembangun yang menggunakan Edge versi Canary kini boleh menggunakan dua ciri AI baharu.
Fri Mar 22 2024
Microsoft Copilot sertakan sokongan ciri 'Notebook', penjanaan tanpa dialog perbualan

Microsoft Copilot sertakan sokongan ciri 'Notebook', penjanaan tanpa dialog perbualan

Pada Copilot biasa, pengguna akan berinteraksi dalam bentuk dialog perbualan, dan mungkin sedikit sukar dalam menguruskan tugasan kerja dan sebagainya.
Sun Feb 25 2024
Boris Johnson hands COVID-era WhatsApps to UK government amid inquiry row

Boris Johnson hands COVID-era WhatsApps to UK government amid inquiry row

Boris Johnson has given his pandemic-era notebooks and messages to the government.
Thu Jun 01 2023
Darwin notebooks return to UK library two decades after vanishing

Darwin notebooks return to UK library two decades after vanishing

The notebooks were found in good condition in a gift bag with a printed message wishing the librarian a 'Happy Easter'.
Wed Apr 06 2022
Ceritalah ASEAN - A storyteller's tribute to Naipaul

Ceritalah ASEAN - A storyteller's tribute to Naipaul

He sat alongside his interview subjects with his notebook open, asking questions, probing slowly but steadily, exploring, in minute detail, the personal and intimate.
Fri Aug 31 2018
Van Gogh notebook discovered with 65 drawings: publisher

Van Gogh notebook discovered with 65 drawings: publisher

Sixty-five previously unknown drawings by the painter Vincent Van Gogh have been discovered, the French publishers Le Seuil said, in one of the biggest art world discoveries in France in years.
Tue Nov 15 2016
Apple perkenal ciri terbaharu 'Touch Bar' buat penggemar MacBook Pro

Apple perkenal ciri terbaharu 'Touch Bar' buat penggemar MacBook Pro

Touch bar itu terletak di bahagian atas papan kekunci, di mana sebelum ini merupakan lokasi papan fungsi (function keys) diletakkan.
Fri Oct 28 2016
Francis Ford Coppola to publish his notebook on 'The Godfather'

Francis Ford Coppola to publish his notebook on 'The Godfather'

The notebook details the creative process behind the 1971 film, and includes Coppola's own annotations and directions, casting notes and exclusive photos.
Wed May 25 2016
Three security guards detained in 23 break-in cases of government offices

Three security guards detained in 23 break-in cases of government offices

As many as 23 cases of break-ins of government offices in Putrajaya between August and October this year have been solved with the arrest of three security guards on Oct 10.
Tue Oct 20 2015
Dempsey suspended for tearing up referees notebook

Dempsey suspended for tearing up referees notebook

Clint Dempsey has been sanctioned for tearing up a referee's notebook but will be reinstated in time for the Gold Cup.
Sat Jun 20 2015
Silent classes, bloody notebooks: after the Pakistan school massacre

Silent classes, bloody notebooks: after the Pakistan school massacre

An eerie silence hung over the shattered, blood-spattered corridors and classrooms of the Army Public School on Wednesday.
Wed Dec 17 2014
Acer launches new notebook - Aspire V Nitro

Acer launches new notebook - Aspire V Nitro

The notebook is powered by the latest generation Intel Core processor and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX mobile graphics processing unit.
Sat Oct 11 2014
Apple unveils updated MacBook Pro notebooks

Apple unveils updated MacBook Pro notebooks

Now, all models with a Retina display come with double the memory and improved battery life.
Tue Jul 29 2014
Tablets now more popular than smartphones

Tablets now more popular than smartphones

Although neither can yet compete with traditional desktops and notebooks for accessing the internet, tablets already account for a greater share of web use than smartphones.
Sat Mar 09 2013