PN sebagai tunjang perlu jadi naratif parti kerajaan hadapi PRU15 - Redzuan
Parti-parti yang berada di dalam kerajaan pimpinan Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob perlu meletakkan satu naratif iaitu PN sebagai tunjang bagi menghadapi PRU15.
Thu Aug 25 2022

Bersatu administrative structure needs improvements - Mohd Redzuan
There should be further improvements in Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) on the overall and not just at the state level, said Bersatu MPT member, Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof.
Sun Nov 28 2021

PKRC dalam negara mencukupi setakat ini - Mohd Redzuan
Kerajaan bersedia menambah Pusat Kuarantin dan Rawatan COVID-19 Berisiko Rendah (PKRC) di negara ini mengikut keperluan semasa berdasarkan jumlah kes positif COVID-19.
Sun Jul 18 2021

Government ready to open new PKRC according to COVID-19 needs
The Government is ready to open new COVID-19 Low-Risk Quarantine and Treatment Centres (PKRC) according to the current needs of positive COVID-19 cases in the country.
Thu Jun 24 2021

Silver lining behind the floods
Amid the COVID-19 situation, several national leaders had taken time off to witness the flood situation and visit the victims.
Sun Jan 10 2021

MAEPS sesak? 40 peratus masih kosong - Redzuan Yusof
Setakat ini kapasiti di PKRC itu telah dipenuhi kira-kira 60 peratus pesakit - terdiri daripada mereka yang tidak bergejala atau bergejala ringan, namun didapati positif COVID-19.
Sat Jan 09 2021

Govt studying need to extend CMCO until end of year - Redzuan
The Government will study the need to extend the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) until the end of the year if COVID-19 cases continue to increase.
Mon Nov 23 2020

Teraju approves RM100 mln allocation for Dana Kemakmuran Bumiputera
The programme's main objectives include giving support to projects to be implemented to enable them to be more viable and competitive, creating job opportunities, and achieving sustainable growth.
Tue Aug 11 2020

RM64.87 bln allotted for 11MP infra projects in East Coast, Dewan Rakyat told
A total of 1,301 infrastructure projects valued at RM64.87 billion have been implemented in the peninsula's East Coast states of Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu under the 11th Malaysian Plan.
Tue Jul 28 2020

T20 Bumiputeras urged to assist the B40 group
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Special Functions) Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof today called on Bumiputeras in the Top 20 per cent (T20) group to assist in upskilling and reskilling the
Thu Jul 23 2020

Govt to relaunch Shared Prosperity Vision 2030
If necessary, improvements would have to be made to the existing policies in order to achieve the vision.
Sun Jul 19 2020

Speculations on resignation untrue - Mohd Redzuan
Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof said speculations that he wanted to resign as Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Special Functions) lately were untrue.
Fri Jun 05 2020

Mas Ermieyati dipilih Ketua Bahagian Bersatu Masjid Tanah, Mohd Redzuan tewas
Saingan tiga penjuru jawatan itu menyaksikan Setiausaha bahagian itu, A Lukman Ab Ghani hanya memperoleh 227 undi.
Mon Feb 24 2020

Menteri angkuh? Mungkin ada kebenarannya - Redzuan Yusof
Terdapat menteri yang tidak pernah menjawab surat dan mendakwa sangat sibuk sehingga menimbulkan rasa kurang senang kepada rakyat.
Tue Feb 18 2020

Rosman Mohamed dilantik sebagai CEO Bank Rakyat
Datuk Rosman Mohamed dilantik sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Bank Rakyat berkuat kuasa 1 Februari ini.
Tue Jan 28 2020