Carian mengenai topik himalaya

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Dalai Lama says his successor to be born outside China

Dalai Lama says his successor to be born outside China

Beijing insists it will choose his successor, but the Dalai Lama says any successor named by China would not be respected.
Tue Mar 11 2025
Runtuhan salji di Himalaya, India ragut empat nyawa, lima pekerja masih terperangkap

Runtuhan salji di Himalaya, India ragut empat nyawa, lima pekerja masih terperangkap

Pihak berkuasa melancarkan operasi menyelamat berskala besar di daerah Chamoli selepas runtuhan salji menimbus lebih 50 pekerja.
Sat Mar 01 2025
Powerful earthquake kills nearly 100 in Tibet, rattles Nepal

Powerful earthquake kills nearly 100 in Tibet, rattles Nepal

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake rocked the northern foothills of the Himalayas near one of Tibet's holiest cities.
Tue Jan 07 2025
Dalai Lama seeks to allay health concerns as succession planning looms

Dalai Lama seeks to allay health concerns as succession planning looms

According to my dream, I may live 110 years, says the 89-year-old spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhists.
Mon Dec 23 2024
Modi dan Jinping selesaikan kemelut sempadan di Himalaya

Modi dan Jinping selesaikan kemelut sempadan di Himalaya

Perdana Menteri India Narendra Modi dan Presiden China Xi Jinping mengadakan pertemuan pertama mereka dalam tempoh lima tahun ketika Sidang Kemuncak BRICS pada Rabu.
Wed Oct 23 2024
Why is Mount Everest so big? New research highlights a rogue river - but deeper forces are at work

Why is Mount Everest so big? New research highlights a rogue river - but deeper forces are at work

At 8,849 metres above sea level, Everest is around 250m taller than the other great peaks of the Himalayas.
Sat Oct 05 2024
Nepal closes schools as deaths from heavy rains hit 151

Nepal closes schools as deaths from heavy rains hit 151

Nepal has shut schools for three days after landslides and floods triggered by two days of heavy rain across the Himalayan nation.
Mon Sep 30 2024
Kaya galian atau tidak, semua garam 'hampir sama' - Pakar

Kaya galian atau tidak, semua garam 'hampir sama' - Pakar

Apakah garam Himalaya, garam laut Celtic, dan garam mata air, pilihan yang lebih sihat berbanding garam 'meja'atau garam kilang/ garam halus yang biasa digunakan?
Thu Apr 11 2024
India rejects China's objections to Modi's visit to Himalayan border state

India rejects China's objections to Modi's visit to Himalayan border state

China claims Arunachal Pradesh to be a part of southern Tibet.
Tue Mar 12 2024
13 pendaki mula cabaran kibar Jalur Gemilang di Banjaran Himalaya

13 pendaki mula cabaran kibar Jalur Gemilang di Banjaran Himalaya

Seramai 13 orang pendaki akan menggalas cabaran mengibar Jalur Gemilang di Banjaran Himalaya, Nepal bermula hari ini sehingga 13 Mac 2024.
Sun Feb 25 2024
India jubilant as all trapped workers rescued from Himalayan tunnel

India jubilant as all trapped workers rescued from Himalayan tunnel

The evacuation began more than six hours after rescuers broke through debris in the tunnel in Uttarakhand state which caved in on Nov 12.
Wed Nov 29 2023
Indian rescuers, two weeks after tunnel collapse, try new tack to reach 41 workers

Indian rescuers, two weeks after tunnel collapse, try new tack to reach 41 workers

Rescuers began drilling vertically from the top of a mountain under which 41 workers became trapped two weeks ago.
Mon Nov 27 2023
Drilling snag delays rescue of 41 men stuck in Indian tunnel

Drilling snag delays rescue of 41 men stuck in Indian tunnel

Hopes for the imminent rescue of 41 men trapped in a highway tunnel in the Indian Himalayas for nearly two weeks were foiled by a problem with the drilling equipment.
Fri Nov 24 2023
Nepal's mountains have lost one-third of their ice, UN chief says

Nepal's mountains have lost one-third of their ice, UN chief says

Climate scientists say warming across South Asia's Himalayas has been greater than the global averages.
Tue Oct 31 2023
Landslide destroys buildings in north Indian mountains

Landslide destroys buildings in north Indian mountains

The administration had identified the risk and successfully evacuated the building two days prior, the state's chief minister said.
Thu Aug 24 2023