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Tokyo Game Show 2024 tarik lebih 274,000  peserta seluruh dunia

Tokyo Game Show 2024 tarik lebih 274,000 peserta seluruh dunia

The Tokyo Game Show (TGS 2024) yang diadakan dari 26 hingga 29 Sept, 2024 di Makuhari Messe di Chiba, Jepun, berjaya menarik 274,739 peserta.
Tue Oct 01 2024
Gempa bumi sederhana gegar Chiba, Tokyo

Gempa bumi sederhana gegar Chiba, Tokyo

Gempa bumi dengan bermagnitud 5.4 menggegarkan wilayah selatan Jepun, Chiba pada Khamis, menurut Agensi Meteorologi Jepun.
Thu May 11 2023
Kes selesema burung di Jepun mencecah paras tertinggi

Kes selesema burung di Jepun mencecah paras tertinggi

Sehingga Selasa, jumlah wabak selesema burung mencecah 54 di 23 wilayah di Jepun pada musim ini, mengatasi rekod sebelumnya iaitu 52 wabak pada 2020-2021.
Tue Jan 03 2023
Japan's 'Little Trains that Could' battle for survival

Japan's 'Little Trains that Could' battle for survival

The 60-year-old trains that ply this route are a loss-maker, but Takemoto has found a way to keep the business afloat.
Mon Jan 02 2023
Afghan Paralympian makes debut after top-secret evacuation

Afghan Paralympian makes debut after top-secret evacuation

On Thursday, Khudadadi entered the Makuhari Messe competition arena in Chiba, near Tokyo, wearing a white hijab for the opening match.
Thu Sep 02 2021
Tokyo Paralympic organisers to weigh allowing spectators at games on Monday - Reports

Tokyo Paralympic organisers to weigh allowing spectators at games on Monday - Reports

Spectators are expected to be banned from entering stadiums in Tokyo, Chiba and Saitama prefectures.
Sat Aug 14 2021
COVID-19: Empat lagi wilayah di Jepun dikenakan darurat

COVID-19: Empat lagi wilayah di Jepun dikenakan darurat

Jumlah kes positif di Tokyo meningkat dua kali ganda sejak minggu lepas, termasuk 3,300 kes pada Jumaat.
Fri Jul 30 2021
COVID-19: Perintah darurat Fasa 4 bermula di Tokyo

COVID-19: Perintah darurat Fasa 4 bermula di Tokyo

Keputusan diumumkan Khamis lalu oleh kerajaan Jepun dalam usaha membendung penularan baharu yang mencatatkan peningkatan kes harian.
Sun Jul 11 2021
Japan declares state of emergency for Tokyo area as COVID-19 cases surge

Japan declares state of emergency for Tokyo area as COVID-19 cases surge

The government said the one-month emergency would run from Friday to Feb. 7 in Tokyo and Saitama, Kanagawa and Chiba prefectures.
Fri Jan 08 2021
As COVID toll among Kenyan doctors jumps, one widow shares her grief

As COVID toll among Kenyan doctors jumps, one widow shares her grief

The orthopedic surgeon died a week later on Oct. 30, one of nine Kenyan doctors to have succumbed to the virus the past four weeks.
Thu Nov 19 2020
World's oldest Ironman plans to keep competing into his 90s

World's oldest Ironman plans to keep competing into his 90s

Inada looks like a man who has been competing in endurance tests all his life, but he only took up the sport in retirement.
Fri Aug 28 2020
Gempa 5.9 magnitud gegar pantai timur Jepun

Gempa 5.9 magnitud gegar pantai timur Jepun

Gempa yang melanda wilayah Chiba itu berlaku jam 3.24 pagi waktu tempatan pada kedalaman 30 kilometer.
Fri Jan 03 2020
Taufan Hagibis: Dua maut, puluhan yang lain cedera

Taufan Hagibis: Dua maut, puluhan yang lain cedera

Sekurang-kurangnya dua mangsa terkorban manakala tiga yang lain dilaporkan hilang susulan Taufan Hagibis.
Sat Oct 12 2019
Gempa bumi sekuat 5.7 magnitud landa timur Tokyo

Gempa bumi sekuat 5.7 magnitud landa timur Tokyo

Gempa bumi yang melanda Chiba terjadi hampir serentak dengan kehadiran Tauian Hagibis yang mendekati perairan Jepun.
Sat Oct 12 2019
George Town dipilih sertai dua projek warisan perintis UNESCO

George Town dipilih sertai dua projek warisan perintis UNESCO

Projek perintis pertama akan memberi fokus terhadap urusan penyediaan inventori berkaitan warisan budaya tak ketara melalui penyertaan masyarakat.
Mon Oct 01 2018