Boyband 90an, Five, kembali bersatu untuk konsert jelajah
Five dikenali dengan lagu seperti When The Lights Go Out, Slam Dunk Da Funk, Keep On Movin', Don't Wanna Let You Go dan Until The Time Is Through.
Sun Mar 02 2025

*NSync kembali dengan single terbaharu selepas lebih 20 tahun
Lagu berjudul Better Place itu gabungan pertama mereka selepas kali terakhir merakamkan lagu pada 2001.
Sun Oct 01 2023

BTS absence hurting global K-pop growth: HYBE chairman
The boyband are widely considered South Korea's biggest-ever cultural phenomenon, selling out stadiums around the world and dominating the charts.
Thu Mar 16 2023

Anggota kumpulan dedah rahsia Backstreet Boys kekal 30 tahun
Rahsia BSB adalah tahu meletakkan kepentingan, selain identiti diri yang kuat sebagai ahli kumpulan berkenaan.
Sun Jul 31 2022

Giant video screen falls on boyband Mirror dancers at Hong Kong concert
A huge video panel fell on the stage during the concert crushing one performer and trapping others.
Fri Jul 29 2022

K-pop titan BTS's online concert draws global fans
Fans of BTS tuned in to an online concert by the K-pop boyband on Saturday, holding their signature light sticks and sharing messages in a chatroom.
Sun Oct 11 2020

K-pop boyband BTS' fans match group's $1 million donation to Black Lives Matter
After BTS donated $1 million to the #BlackLiveMatter movement, ARMYs worldwide decided to make their own donation to match the $1 million
Mon Jun 08 2020

South Korean boyband BTS donates $1 million to Black Lives Matter
The seven-member BTS wrote on its Twitter account that they are against racism and violence
Sun Jun 07 2020

Selepas 20 tahun, Backstreet Boys kembali juarai carta Billboard
Album DNA mencatat jualan 227,000 unit selepas dilancarkan pada 25 Januari lalu.
Tue Feb 05 2019

Tidak pernah menang Anugerah Grammy, Backstreet Boys tidak merajuk
Tercalon buat kali kelapan dalam Grammy tahun ini, boyband paling berjaya itu tidak menaruh harapan tinggi untuk menang.
Fri Feb 01 2019

Backstreet Boys 'tayang' kebahagiaan keluarga dalam video muzik terbaharu
'No Place' mengetengahkan tema kepentingan keluarga dan kasih sayang dengan memaparkan kebahagiaan hidup berkeluarga kesemua anggotanya.
Sun Jan 06 2019

Boyzone, Westlife members join forces to create new boyband 'Boyzlife'
Boyzone's Keith Duffy and Westlife's Brian McFadden will tour the UK as Boyzlife later this year, and could see other members of the two bands joining them in the future.
Wed Mar 02 2016

'One Direction hanya berehat, bukan berpecah' - Louis Tomlinson
Kumpulan One Direction hanya akan berehat daripada mengeluarkan album sebagai satu kumpulan untuk seketika sahaja.
Tue Aug 25 2015

Boyband singer collapses wearing 12 layers on flight
A British boyband singer collapsed with heat exhaustion during a flight while wearing 12 layers of clothing in a bid to beat the excess luggage fee, he said Saturday.
Sun Jul 12 2015

One Direction scotch split rumours
British boyband One Direction insisted Saturday they would not be splitting up despite the departure of band member Zayn Malik.
Sun Jun 07 2015