'They just talk': Prince Charles understands Thunberg's frustrations
Charles said he understood why campaigners took direct action when faced with the inactivity of politicians.
Mon Oct 11 2021

Thunberg and other youth activists meet Draghi to push on climate talks
Thunberg is due to present Draghi and other climate leaders with the youth's slate of proposals for inclusion in the COP26 agenda.
Thu Sep 30 2021

Ahead of COP26, young climate activists come together to drive change
Young people are in the spotlight, taking the stage at the "Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition."
Wed Sep 29 2021

Youth4Climate: '30 tahun bla bla bla' - Greta Thunberg sindir omong kosong pemimpin dunia
Aktivis berusia 18 dari Sweden itu mendakwa banyak yang telah dijanjikan namun tiada usaha ketara dilakukan untuk mengatasi pemanasan global sejak hampir tiga dekad.
Wed Sep 29 2021

'30 years of blah blah blah': Thunberg questions Italy climate talks
The meetings come as soaring energy prices on world markets stoke fears of a popular backlash against climate reform.
Tue Sep 28 2021

Two Malaysian youths to represent Malaysia at Y4C Summit in Milan
Two Malaysian youths will represent Malaysia at the Youth4Climate: Driving Action Summit in Milan from Sept 28 to 30.
Fri Sep 24 2021

Dua belia negara bakal sertai Sidang Kemuncak Belia COP26
Sahana Kaur dan Mogesh Sababathy, pencinta alam sekitar dari Malaysia akan menghadiri persidangan Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition di Itali.
Wed Sep 15 2021