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Sydney siege: Victims honoured one year on

Sydney siege: Victims honoured one year on

Australians marked the one-year anniversary of a cafe siege by an attacker which left two hostages dead and shocked the nation.
Wed Dec 16 2015
Ulang tahun insiden tebusan Lindt Cafe

Ulang tahun insiden tebusan Lindt Cafe

Warga Australia mengingati ulang tahun pertama insiden serangan dan penculikan oleh seorang penyerang di sebuah kafe.
Wed Dec 16 2015
Rocks hurled at Sydney siege cafe

Rocks hurled at Sydney siege cafe

The Sydney cafe at the centre of a deadly siege has been vandalised with police investigating Wednesday after rocks were thrown through five of its windows.
Wed Jun 03 2015
System let us down with Sydney siege monster: Australian PM

System let us down with Sydney siege "monster": Australian PM

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott admitted Sunday "the system" had let the public down by failing to protect it from the "monster" who carried out a deadly siege in a Sydney cafe.
Sun Feb 22 2015
Sydney siege survivors tell of terror at hands of gunman

Sydney siege survivors tell of terror at hands of gunman

Survivors of a 16-hour siege in a Sydney cafe on Sunday told of their terror during the deadly standoff, as a jihadist gunman threatened to kill people "one by one".
Sun Feb 08 2015
Police bullet fragments killed Sydney cafe siege victim: inquest

Police bullet fragments killed Sydney cafe siege victim: inquest

One of the two hostages who died in a Sydney cafe siege last December was killed by ricochets of a police bullet or bullets, an inquest heard Thursday.
Thu Jan 29 2015
Sydney siege inquest to shed light on how hostages died

Sydney siege inquest to shed light on how hostages died

An inquest into the deadly siege at Lindt cafe in Sydney opens Thursday, amid expectation it will officially lift the lid on how two hostages died.
Wed Jan 28 2015
Mangsa tebusan Sydney terus dikenang, memorial kekal bakal dibina

Mangsa tebusan Sydney terus dikenang, memorial kekal bakal dibina

Dua mangsa korban drama tebusan Sydney minggu lalu diberi penghormatan terakhir dalam dua upacara pengebumian hari ini.
Tue Dec 23 2014
Australia ikrar untuk menyekat pelampau ekstremis

Australia ikrar untuk menyekat pelampau ekstremis

Kerajaan Australia berikrar menentukan mengapa seorang pengganas kelahiran Iran yang mempunyai sejarah ekstremisme dan keganasan dapat tawan sebuah kafe dalam satu pegepungan selama satu hari.
Tue Dec 16 2014
Kenapa Man Haron Monis diikat jamin walau menghadapi pelbagai tuduhan?

Kenapa Man Haron Monis diikat jamin walau menghadapi pelbagai tuduhan?

Setahun sebelum Man Haron Monis mengepung cafe Sydney, dia dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin selepas dituduh terlibat dalam pembunuhan dan tuduhan seksual terhadap isterinya.
Tue Dec 16 2014
The lone wolf, self-styled sheikh who held a Sydney cafe hostage

The lone wolf, self-styled sheikh who held a Sydney cafe hostage

Man Haron Monis, the Sydney hostage-taker killed in a 16-hour siege, was a self-styled sheikh with his own Wikipedia entry who was on bail when he emerged as a lone wolf gunman.
Mon Dec 15 2014
Insiden tebusan di sebuah kafe di Sydney

Insiden tebusan di sebuah kafe di Sydney

Sekumpulan tawanan dilaporkan ditahan oleh sekumpulan penculik bersenjata dalam satu insiden yang berlaku di sebuah cafe di Sydney.
Mon Dec 15 2014
Gunman takes hostages in Sydney cafe

Gunman takes hostages in Sydney cafe

A lone gunman held several hostages in an Australian cafe, triggering a lockdown in an area home to government and corporate headquarters.
Mon Dec 15 2014
Insiden tebusan di Sydney jadi iktibar kepada negara - KPN

Insiden tebusan di Sydney jadi iktibar kepada negara - KPN

Insiden tebusan yang berlaku di Sydney akan dijadikan iktibar kepada negara dalam menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan dicetuskan individu atau kumpulan berunsur militan, kata Ketua Polis Negara.
Mon Dec 15 2014
Australian Muslim groups condemn Sydney cafe siege

Australian Muslim groups condemn Sydney cafe siege

More than 40 Australian Muslim groups on Monday jointly condemned a siege at a Sydney cafe in which hostages were taken by an armed man and an Islamic flag displayed.
Mon Dec 15 2014