Tiga wakil ISTAF hadir Forum IF 2023
Tiga wakil ISTAF dijemput menghadiri Forum Persekutuan Antarabangsa (IF) 2023 di Lausanne, Switzerland.
Wed Nov 15 2023

Unfinished Beethoven symphony reimagined in a click
Berney and the Nexus orchestra have decided to use artificial intelligence to create a four-minute extract.
Sun Sep 05 2021

Egyptian Billy Elliot sets new bar for Middle Eastern ballet
The international competition in Switzerland has been one of the leading showcases for young ballet talent since it began in 1973.
Wed Mar 10 2021

Swiss nightclub, shuttered by COVID-19, reborn as blood donation centre
The nightclub previously heaved with revellers, now light the way for nurses to insert needles as songs play in the background.
Tue Dec 08 2020

Harimau Malaysia lawan Great Britain untuk tiket Tokyo
Skuad hoki lelaki Malaysia kini siap sedia menghadapi tugas berat dalam usaha untuk melayakkan diri menyertai Tokyo Olympics 2020.
Mon Sep 09 2019

Boxing KOs all Rio Games officials after controversies
All 36 referees and judges used at the Rio Olympic boxing have been removed for the time being.
Thu Oct 06 2016

Malaysia kekal antara 20 negara paling berdaya saing
Malaysia mengekalkan kedudukannya dalam kalangan 20 daripada 61 negara paling kompetitif di dunia mengikut senarai WCy yang diterbitkan oleh pusat daya saing dunia.
Tue May 31 2016

Throat cancer could soon be detected on your breath
Scientists from the cole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL) have created a new device capable of detecting the presence of certain cancers in the throat and mouth through a patient's breath.
Sun Apr 19 2015
Skuasy tersenarai di Olimpik 2020?
Bintang skuasy dunia menanti dengan penuh harapan terhadap mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Olimpik Antarabangsa di Lausanne, Switzerland.
Sun Dec 23 2012