Carian mengenai topik KCNA

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Korea Utara kecam kapal selam nuklear AS di Busan

Korea Utara kecam kapal selam nuklear AS di Busan

Kementerian Pertahanan Korea Utara menuduh Amerika Syarikat menimbulkan ancaman keselamatan serius dengan menghantar kapal selam nuklear ke pelabuhan Korea Selatan.

Menurut laporan agensi berita KCNA, pasukan tenteranya bersedia mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan.
Tue Feb 11 2025
Korea Utara tandatangan perjanjian kerjasama ketenteraan dengan Rusia

Korea Utara tandatangan perjanjian kerjasama ketenteraan dengan Rusia

Korea Utara menandatangani perjanjian dengan Rusia dengan mewujudkan "perkongsian strategik yang komprehensif", dpa memetik agensi berita Pyongyang, KCNA.
Tue Nov 12 2024
Korea Utara tuduh Presiden Korea Selatan gugat keselamatan

Korea Utara tuduh Presiden Korea Selatan gugat keselamatan

Media negara Korea Utara menerbitkan kertas putih pada Ahad, menuduh Presiden Korea Selatan, Yoon Suk Yeol, mendedahkan negaranya kepada risiko perang nuklear melalui dasar-dasarnya terhadap Korea Utara.

Dokumen tersebut, yang disediakan oleh Institut Kajian Negara Musuh Korea Utara dan dikeluarkan oleh agensi berita KCNA, mengkritik kenyataan Yoon mengenai perang.
Sun Nov 03 2024
North Korea claims 1.4 million young people joined the army this week

North Korea claims 1.4 million young people joined the army this week

The young people are determined to fight in a "sacred war of destroying the enemy with the arms of the revolution," the KCNA report said.
Wed Oct 16 2024
North Korea leader Kim threatens nuclear response if sovereignty breached, KCNA says

North Korea leader Kim threatens nuclear response if sovereignty breached, KCNA says

Kim Jong Un criticised South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol for threatening to end the North Korean regime at a military day event.
Fri Oct 04 2024
North Korea's Kim Jong Un says country to increase number of nuclear weapons, KCNA says

North Korea's Kim Jong Un says country to increase number of nuclear weapons, KCNA says

A strong military presence is needed to face "the various threats posed by the United States and its followers," says Kim Jong Un.
Tue Sep 10 2024
North Korea leader Kim Jong Un says now is time to be ready for war, KCNA says

North Korea leader Kim Jong Un says now is time to be ready for war, KCNA says

Kim Jong Un said unstable geopolitical situations surrounding his country mean now is the time to be more prepared for war than ever.
Thu Apr 11 2024
Putin gives North Korea's Kim Jong Un a Russian limo as a gift

Putin gives North Korea's Kim Jong Un a Russian limo as a gift

The Russian-made car was delivered to Kim Jong Un's top aides by the Russian side, official KCNA news agency said.
Tue Feb 20 2024
North Korea leader Kim: we will wipe out enemies if they use force - KCNA

North Korea leader Kim: we will wipe out enemies if they use force - KCNA

Kim Jong Un repeated his vow to never hold dialogue or negotiations with South Korea, which he said was his country's "enemy No. 1".
Fri Feb 09 2024
North Korea's Kim received photos taken by spy satellite of White House, Pentagon - KCNA

North Korea's Kim received photos taken by spy satellite of White House, Pentagon - KCNA

The photos were the latest in a series of images of what KCNA described as "major target regions" sent by the satellite.
Tue Nov 28 2023
Korea Utara uji peluru berpandu balistik jarak sederhana baharu - KCNA

Korea Utara uji peluru berpandu balistik jarak sederhana baharu - KCNA

Korea Utara telah membangunkan enjin bahan api pepejal tujahan tinggi jenis baharu untuk peluru berpandu balistik jarak sederhana.
Wed Nov 15 2023
North Korea's Kim heads home after final stop in Russia's Vladivostok - KCNA

North Korea's Kim heads home after final stop in Russia's Vladivostok - KCNA

Kim Jong Un pledged to step up military and economic cooperation with Vladimir Putin.
Mon Sep 18 2023
North Korea's Kim Yo Jong promises more spy satellite launches - KCNA

North Korea's Kim Yo Jong promises more spy satellite launches - KCNA

Kim Yo Jong said North Korea will soon put a military spy satellite into orbit.
Thu Jun 01 2023
North Korean leader Kim calls for intensified drills for 'real war'

North Korean leader Kim calls for intensified drills for 'real war'

KCNA said a unit trained for "strike missions" fired a "powerful volley at the targeted waters".
Fri Mar 10 2023
COVID-19 dikesan di Korea Utara.. Apa yang kita tahu setakat ini

COVID-19 dikesan di Korea Utara.. Apa yang kita tahu setakat ini

CNN yang memetik agensi berita Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) melaporkan pada Jumaat lalu, sebanyak 15 kematian dengan 296,180 kes deman dipercayai COVID-19 dilaporkan di Korea Utara.
Sun May 15 2022