Carian mengenai topik Chaktip Chaijinda

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Polis Thai rampas 508kg dadah 'ice' cuba diseludup masuk ke Malaysia

Polis Thai rampas 508kg dadah 'ice' cuba diseludup masuk ke Malaysia

Polis Thailand melumpuhkan cubaan menyeludup 508kg dadah sintetik bernilai sekurang-kurangnya 1 bilion Baht (kira-kira RM125 juta) ke Malaysia.
Tue Oct 17 2017
Pertikaian tanah punca lapan sekeluarga dibunuh - Polis Thai

Pertikaian tanah punca lapan sekeluarga dibunuh - Polis Thai

Seorang peniaga tempatan yang dikenali dengan nama Bang Fat telah ditahan kerana disyaki sebagai dalang utama kejadian pembunuhan itu
Mon Jul 17 2017
Another pipe bomb found in Bangkok

Another pipe bomb found in Bangkok

National Police Chief Gen Chaktip Chaijinda said Tuesday's discovery of a pipe bomb indicated and the perpetrators wanted to sow chaos among the public and discredit the police.
Tue May 30 2017
Wanita cedera terkena 'bom ping pong' di Bangkok

Wanita cedera terkena 'bom ping pong' di Bangkok

Satu letupan kecil berlaku di hadapan bangunan lama Government Lottery di Jalan Ratchadamnoen di sini, menyebabkan seorang wanita mengalami kecederaan.
Thu Apr 06 2017
Bomb attacks could be politically-motivated - Thai police chief

Bomb attacks could be politically-motivated - Thai police chief

Gen Chaktip Chaijinda says most of the provinces hit by the attacks had backed the draft constitution during Sunday's referendum.
Fri Aug 12 2016
Thai police to send second team to KL to gather info over Bangkok bomb attack

Thai police to send second team to KL to gather info over Bangkok bomb attack

Thai police will send another team to Kuala Lumpur to gather information on three people detained by the Malaysian police over Bangkok blast.
Thu Sep 17 2015
IGP discusses interrogation of Justo with Thai deputy police chief

IGP discusses interrogation of Justo with Thai deputy police chief

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar has convened a meeting with Thai Deputy Inspector-General of Police Chaktip Chaijinda to discuss the permission to interrogate Xavier Justo.
Thu Jul 02 2015
Pertemuan KPN dengan Timbalan Ketua Polis Thai berkenaan Justo

Pertemuan KPN dengan Timbalan Ketua Polis Thai berkenaan Justo

Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar telah mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara Thailand, Chaktip Chaijinda bagi membincangkan kebenaran menyoal siasat Xavier Justo.
Thu Jul 02 2015