Powerful 7.8 earthquake rocks Ecuador

Residents walk on a street amid destroyed buildings following an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / ARIEL OCHOA

Sun Apr 17 2016
Residents walk on a street amid destroyed buildings following an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / ARIEL OCHOA
Residents walk on a street amid destroyed buildings following an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / ARIEL OCHOA

Residents walk on a street amid destroyed buildings following an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / ARIEL OCHOA

Residents survey destroyed housing following an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / Ariel Ochoa

Residents survey destroyed housing following an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / Ariel Ochoa

Rescue workers stand before a destroyed car after the collapse of a bridge in an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / MARCOS PIN MENDEZ

Rescue workers stand before a destroyed car after the collapse of a bridge in an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / MARCOS PIN MENDEZ

Autombiles travel on a darkened street after the failure of electrical services in an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / MARCOS PIN MENDEZ

Autombiles travel on a darkened street after the failure of electrical services in an earthquake, April 16, 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. At least 28 people were killed by a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Ecuador, the country's Vice President Jorge Glas said. A tate of emergency had been declared nationwide. - AFP PHOTO / MARCOS PIN MENDEZ

Patients and relatives wait outside the Colombia Clinic in Cali, Colombia, on April 16, 2016 after being preventively evacuated following a powerful earthquake that hit Ecuador mostly, and caused damage to some structures of the facility and a water leak. At least 28 people were killed when a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, knocking down buildings in the country's largest city Guayaquil and cutting power in the capital Quito. The quake also rattled northern Peru and parts of Colombia. - AFP PHOTO / LUIS ROBAYO

Patients and relatives wait outside the Colombia Clinic in Cali, Colombia, on April 16, 2016 after being preventively evacuated following a powerful earthquake that hit Ecuador mostly, and caused damage to some structures of the facility and a water leak. At least 28 people were killed when a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, knocking down buildings in the country's largest city Guayaquil and cutting power in the capital Quito. The quake also rattled northern Peru and parts of Colombia. - AFP PHOTO / LUIS ROBAYO

Patients and relatives wait outside the Colombia Clinic in Cali, Colombia, on April 16, 2016 after being preventively evacuated following a powerful earthquake that hit Ecuador mostly, and caused damage to some structures of the facility and a water leak. At least 28 people were killed when a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, knocking down buildings in the country's largest city Guayaquil and cutting power in the capital Quito. The quake also rattled northern Peru and parts of Colombia. - AFP PHOTO / LUIS ROBAYO

Patients and relatives wait outside the Colombia Clinic in Cali, Colombia, on April 16, 2016 after being preventively evacuated following a powerful earthquake that hit Ecuador mostly, and caused damage to some structures of the facility and a water leak. At least 28 people were killed when a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, knocking down buildings in the country's largest city Guayaquil and cutting power in the capital Quito. The quake also rattled northern Peru and parts of Colombia. - AFP PHOTO / LUIS ROBAYO

People take pictures of a collapsed bridge in Guayaquil, Ecuador, after a powerful earthquake hit the country on April 16, 2016. At least 28 people were killed when a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, knocking down buildings in the country's largest city Guayaquil and cutting power in the capital Quito. The quake also rattled northern Peru and southern Colombia, according to authorities in those countries, although no casualties were reported. - AFP PHOTO / JOSE SANCHEZ LINDAO

People take pictures of a collapsed bridge in Guayaquil, Ecuador, after a powerful earthquake hit the country on April 16, 2016. At least 28 people were killed when a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, knocking down buildings in the country's largest city Guayaquil and cutting power in the capital Quito. The quake also rattled northern Peru and southern Colombia, according to authorities in those countries, although no casualties were reported. - AFP PHOTO / JOSE SANCHEZ LINDAO

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