Activities at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013

Not missing the opportunity seeing the eager of the car owner making their car look different from the other at "Auto Show" during Festival Belia Putrajaya (FBP) 2013.-BERNAMA

Sat May 25 2013
Not missing the opportunity seeing the eager of the car owner making their car look different from the other at Auto Show during Festival Belia Putrajaya (FBP) 2013.-BERNAMA
The view from above of the Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 being held from 23-26 May 2013, that start from Youth and Sport Ministry to the Perdana Putra building.-BERNAMA

The view from above of the Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 being held from 23-26 May 2013, that start from Youth and Sport Ministry to the Perdana Putra building.-BERNAMA

Not missing the opportunity seeing the eager of the car owner making their car look different from the other at Auto Show during Festival Belia Putrajaya (FBP) 2013.-BERNAMA

Not missing the opportunity seeing the eager of the car owner making their car look different from the other at "Auto Show" during Festival Belia Putrajaya (FBP) 2013.-BERNAMA

Minister of Youth and Sport Khairy Jamaluddin playing the drum as a simbolic for the launch of Blues Unity during Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Minister of Youth and Sport Khairy Jamaluddin playing the drum as a simbolic for the launch of Blues Unity during Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Energetic performance by a team that join the drum competition held by Youth and Sport Ministry at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Energetic performance by a team that join the drum competition held by Youth and Sport Ministry at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Visitor taking a ride on 'beca' or trishaw along the Persiaran Perdana road of the Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Visitor taking a ride on 'beca' or trishaw along the Persiaran Perdana road of the Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Minister of youth and sport Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar joining the friendly match of futsal between Youth and Sport ministry and Malaysian artist.-BERNAMA

Minister of youth and sport Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar joining the friendly match of futsal between Youth and Sport ministry and Malaysian artist.-BERNAMA

20 couples posing after legally becoming husband and wife at Ijab Kabul Mega ceremony during the Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 at Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.-BERNAMA

20 couples posing after legally becoming husband and wife at Ijab Kabul Mega ceremony during the Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 at Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.-BERNAMA

Group of youth presenting extreme dance during the launch of Y Avenue Rakan Muda at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Group of youth presenting extreme dance during the launch of Y Avenue Rakan Muda at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

People are visiting booth on the Karnival Pelancongan Belia 2013, where there were more than 30 company joining the event at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

People are visiting booth on the Karnival Pelancongan Belia 2013, where there were more than 30 company joining the event at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Eddy Leong (right) dan Zenobia Aishah from Adrenaline Skyjump team making demonstration using the sky runner at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Eddy Leong (right) dan Zenobia Aishah from Adrenaline Skyjump team making demonstration using the sky runner at Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013.-BERNAMA

Part of the youth that present on the opening ceremony of Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 that were held from 23-26 May.-BERNAMA

Part of the youth that present on the opening ceremony of Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 that were held from 23-26 May.-BERNAMA

Full of firework during the opening ceremony for Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 by Datuk seri najib Tun Razak.-BERNAMA

Full of firework during the opening ceremony for Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013 by Datuk seri najib Tun Razak.-BERNAMA

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak giving speech in front of youth during the opening ceremony for Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013. Beside him is Khairy Jamaluddin and Mohamed Maliki.-BERNAMA

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak giving speech in front of youth during the opening ceremony for Festival Belia Putrajaya 2013. Beside him is Khairy Jamaluddin and Mohamed Maliki.-BERNAMA

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