AS a Penangite, I must admit I've been anxiously following all this fuss about possible snap polls being called in my home state.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been constantly scanning social media sites and news portals for the latest happenings in Penang.

Imagine my relief when on Sunday, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng announced that the DAP had dropped its plans to call for a snap election.

I was having my lunch when the news came in and upon hearing it, I must admit, it elicited an excited gasp from me.

This reflex reaction caught the attention of a mid-ranked Opposition member, who happened to be sitting across from me.

Without any prompting, I shared the news with him, hoping to get his thoughts on the matter.

"Well, it is expected," said this person, without an ounce of surprise on his face.

Honestly though, I thought to myself, I personally did not see this coming now.

As a politician, it’s rare for Lim Guan Eng not to get his way.

Judging from how he and the DAP have been going about justifying the need for a snap election in Penang, I find it to be 'anti-climactic' the way the whole thing was dropped.

And the reason given? No snap poll 'just because PKR does not agree.'

This does not sound like the same Lim Guan Eng that I covered closely for almost three years when I was based in Penang.

Sharing this observation of mine, my anonymous companion gave a wry smile.

“Who said this is the end of it?" he asked.

It’s an intriguing question to ponder. After all, politics is the art of the possible.

Despite all that, Hafiz is relieved that folks in his home state will not be heading to the polls - for now.

Readers, critics and fellow Penangites are welcome to share their opinions with him at or follow him on Twitter at @HafizAWANI

Views expressed here are personally of the author's and do not necessarily reflect Astro AWANI's.