PAS vice-president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man stressed that the party will never join hands with UMNO, as being rumored on social media.

“The PAS-UMNO merger has never been discussed in any party meetings,” he said in a press statement today.

He said PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had stressed in previous Muktamar that the party will never merge with UMNO.

“PAS has 21 parliament seats. UMNO has 88 seats. If we merge, how many seats will UMNO give to PAS? 40?,” he questioned adding that the merger proposal does not make sense.

He said UMNO had been against the proposal to implement hudud and questioned if the party will now help PAS to implement the Islamic laws.

He said UMNO in times of need would do anything to increase its strength but said the party will kick out PAS once it becomes powerful.

“If the argument that the merger is to unite Malays, then let the Malays stay with PAS to form a new government based on Islamic teachings,” he said.