The DAP says it will not accept PAS in the new coalition Pakatan Rakyat 2.0. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the DAP and PAS are at the point of no return as PAS had declared the DAP to be its enemy.

PKR deputy president Azmin Ali had suggested that PAS be allowed to join the new opposition pact, but Lim said it was no longer possible for DAP to be in the same coalition with PAS.

"How can we be part of the coalition when PAS will be going to contest against us?" he said to reporters here today.

He said PAS has declared DAP as its number one enemy - and not Barisan Nasional or UMNO - so it is clear that it will contest in DAP-held constituencies.

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang was reported to have said today that the party was considering contesting DAP seats in the 14th general election.

"I am not surprised at this statement by the PAS president. This is only in line with PAS's new policy to make DAP its enemy," he said.

Lim, who is the Penang chief minister, said he accepted the challenge from PAS and would like to invite his former ally to begin in his state constituency of Air Putih.

"If PAS wants to contest DAP seats, I will start by inviting them to contest in Air Putih," he said.