DAP national chairman Karpal Singh wants three-cornered fights to be avoided as they would be fatal to the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition.

He said PR component parties should ensure there were no three-cornered fights in their constituencies.

"There must be give and take, there must be compromises made. Not everyone can be satisfied but ultimately, (we) must satisfy as many as possible. Three- cornered fights are fatal to the PR," he told a press conference here Saturday.

Kedah DAP was reported to be going alone in the coming general election, if its demand for two parliamentary and six state seats was not met with, by PR.

Several three-cornered fights have been identified in Kedah, namely Alor Setar and Padang Serai parliamentary constituencies, Bakar Bata, Derga, Bakar Arang, Gurun and Lunas state seats, as well as the Sungai Acheh state seat in Penang.