A TRADER'S alleged act of spitting in the durian packets he sold, has not just incurred the wrath of netizens but attracted the authority's attention to investigate.

Police said the trader, of which a video of him had gone viral on social media, would be called in to give a statement soon.

A video showing the trader in the act has been making its rounds since yesterday evening. The incident is believed to have happened at a durian stall in Gombak.

In the one-minute-50-seconds video, the trader is seen as if he was spitting on the fruit before packing them in plastic wrap.

However, there were some who claimed that the trader might not be guilty of the despicable act, but was blowing the fruit instead.

A Facebook user, Muhd Deddi Mardi, said the act was necessary to ensure the fruits were free of any dust or dirt.

Others, however, were adamant that even blowing should not be done as it was unhygienic.

Harian Metro's news portal myMetro reported, the police together with the enforcement team from the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry had gone to check it out but the trader was no longer at the site.

Police said action would be taken if the trader was found guilty of the act (spitting).