The government has always appreciated the contributions of taxi drivers, who are the most important group and having the closest ties with the people, acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said.

"Taxi drivers have an important role because they are always in touch with people and they know a lot. They don't only function as tourism ambassadors but can also be reliable sources of information about government policies, as well as in uniting the people.

"Actually, I am quite amazed by their spirit. They also appreciate the government's contribution," he told Bernama after meeting with almost 100 taxi and rental car drivers here Saturday.

Hishammuddin, who is also Defence Minister, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's concern over taxi drivers in the country was proven through the implementation of the 1Malaysia People's Taxi (TRIMa) programme, which aimed at empowering the role of taxi drivers and raising the quality of service of the public transport service nationwide.

He said TR1Ma was one of the many comprehensive initiatives to help taxi drivers and to improve the quality of taxi service in Malaysia.

Hishammuddin said the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) would be directed to resolve the problems raised by taxi drivers during the Saturday meeting.

In the 45-minute dialogue at the taxi centre here, Hishammuddin listened to grouses and hopes of taxi drivers in Teluk Intan, as well as their suggestions on the problems they faced.

Meanwhile, Hilir Perak Malay Taxi Drivers Association chairman, Arjami Ali, 59, said among the issues raised was the absence of liquefied natural gas stations for natural gas vehicles (NGV).

"We have brought the matter to the minister's attention. We hope the government will provide the service soon," Arjami said.