The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, has expressed concern over cases of corruption and power abuse involving government enforcement personnel, particularly in the state.

He said such misconduct by enforcement personnel could tarnish the reputation and image of the government agencies and authorities concerned.

“Widespread media reports on corruption offences reflect the people’s rejection of such acts that could undermine the smooth running of government administration.

“If corruption becomes rampant, it will result in the people losing their confidence in the ability of the department concerned to enforce the laws of the country,” he said in a statement today.

Therefore, Sultan Sharafuddin advised enforcement officers and staff in all local government councils, the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) and other government agencies entrusted with enforcement to stay away from corruption and any acts that could lead to allegations of malpractice against them.

“This includes the aspect of abuse of power for personal gain or the benefit of certain parties while carrying out enforcement duties. Such acts must be avoided completely,” he said.

Sultan Sharafuddin also emphasised that Islam strongly prohibits corruption and abuse of power among those entrusted with position and power.

This is because corrupt practices betray the trust of the nation and society, he said.

The Sultan urged all enforcement personnel in Selangor to carry out their duties and responsibilities prudently and to comply with all standard operating procedures, including being fair to all parties.

“It is important to be prudent when initiating action for the sake of maintaining peace and public order. Carry out your responsibilities with trustworthiness for the sake of the people and the nation,” he said.