A special meeting to address the spread of dengue which is reported on the rise and has reached a disconcerting stage will be held by the Terengganu government tomorrow.

Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman told Bernama that to date, a total of 407 dengue cases, including five fatalities, had been reported in the state this year (as of Jan 20), an increase of 284 per cent compared with only 106 cases during the corresponding period in 2015.

Ahmad Razif said four of the reported dengue fatalities were from the Kuala Terengganu district, namely Kampung Panji Alam (two people) and one each from lorong Beringin Bukit Besar, Kampung Tanjung Paya and Pulau Perhentian in Besut.

Instruction had been issued to all departments and agencies to take necessary action to combat the spread of dengue and to not leave the task to the Health Department alone, he said, after a gotong-royong to clean Kampung Bukit Kandis of mosquito breeding grounds here today.

Ahmad Razif said following the increasing trend in dengue cases in Terengganu, notice was issued to the public to step up cleanliness in their surrounding areas.

In hot spot areas, gotong-royong will be organised, he added.

"We also call on mosques and surau to hold "solat hajat" (prayer of need) every Friday night so that the dengue situation will not prolong," he added.