IPOH: Muslims are advised to be wary of scams and should make thorough investigations before sharing any information or transferring property ownership to another party.

The Perak Islamic Religious Department in its Friday sermon text today said fraudulent transactions or scams, a new form of white-collar crime, are becoming more prevalent and 1,298 investigation papers were opened by the Perak contingent police headquarters' Commercial Crime Investigation Department in 2021.

The text of the sermon among others mentioned that, last year over RM32 million in losses was recorded after several people fell victim to Macau scams, love scams, parcel scams, Whatsapp friends, non-existent loans and investment scams.

"Many have fallen victim to these unscrupulous syndicates. It is reported that many have lost their savings after being cheated and some have been burdened with huge debts.

"There are also advertisements offering Haj packages with attractive discounts. As such, the ummah are reminded not to be easily deceived," according to the text titled "Beware of Fraud Syndicates" which was circulated to all mosques and surau in Perak today.

The public was also advised not to entertain to phone calls from unknown numbers and to immediately disconnect the call if they sense something suspicious.

"Check with the agencies or companies which the scammers or fraudsters claim they are affiliated with and do not disclose banking details or share personal information with new acquaintances," according to the text.