The Road Transport Department (RTD) will reintroduce the one exam system for all applications vying for a car and motorcycle licence effective immediately.

Previously applicants wanting to obtain a car and motorcycle licence had to sit for two separate tests.

Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said, the decision was made after ministry received numerous appeals by various quarters including driving institutes to reintroduce the Drivers’ Education Curriculum (KPP) implemented last year.

“The institutes had made an appeal to the Ministry saying that those who wished to get a car and motorcycle licence would have to sit for two separate tests.

“As such I wish to announce that those who wished to obtain both a car and motorcycle licence would still need to study for two separate modules but only take a single test,” he said.

The KPP, which was introduced last year, had made it mandatory for applications vying for a car and motorcycle license to take two separate tests.