KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Harapan (PH) has given an assurance that all its Members of Parliament (MPs) will support the Federal Constitution (Amendment) (Anti-Party Hopping) Bill, which is scheduled to be tabled in a special sitting of the Dewan Rakyat on Monday (April 11).

The PH presidential council, in a statement today, said the coalition's top leaders had met Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob this morning to get clarification on the status of the bill.

"The prime minister has given his commitment that there are no changes to the notice of the Dewan Rakyat special sitting scheduled for April 11, as distributed to MPs," it said.

The statement was jointly issued by PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Amanah president Mohamad Sabu, DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke and United Progressive Kinabalu Organisation (UPKO) president Datuk Seri Madius Tangau.

It said that at today's meeting, Anwar, as the Opposition leader, also raised the issue of MySejahtera being allegedly under foreign ownership.

It said this issue needed a full explanation in the Dewan Rakyat.