According to Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Negara's (Perkasa) prediction, PAS will not retain the Sungai Limau state seat in the upcoming Nov 4 by-election.

President Datuk Ibrahim Ali said the defeat would be caused by the Malays rejecting the party.

Too many times PAS has gone back on forth when it came to the interest of Islam and the Malays, he said, citing the reason for the Malays' rejection of the party.

"PAS is becoming DAP's 'clog'. Islam is used as a tool for PAS to achieve their political ambitions," he told Astro AWANI.

Ibrahim said another contributing factor for PAS' defeat would be due to voters not returning home to vote, simply because the outcome of the by-election would not affect them.

He said even if PAS supporters return home to vote and the state seat remains under the party, it would not affect the current Barisan Nasional state government.

"Voters would not waste their time returning home to vote for a party that has not been benefitting them," he said.