Masood Khalid's stint as Pakistan's High Commissioner to Malaysia may have been a short one, but judging from his farewell speech, the envoy was overwhelmed by Malaysian hospitality and touched by its people's warmth and friendliness.

After almost two years here, Masood, whose next posting is to Beijing, China, leaves Malaysia with a tinge of nostalgia.

"I have enjoyed my stay here, even though it has been a short one. I have enjoyed the beauty of your country, your cuisine, your customs, your culture and the liveliness of Malaysia," he said at a farewell and appreciation reception hosted by the Malaysia-Pakistan Business Council recently.

"And I have personally experienced the special sentiment for Pakistan everywhere I went. Even among men on the street, when I said I was from Pakistan, I could see there was a special sentiment and warmth for Pakistan. That was very touching for my family and I," said the High Commissioner.

Recalling the early days of his posting here in August 2010, he remarked that he was surprised to find Malaysians knew so much about biryani.

"Every other person I met talked about biryani. That was a surprise to me because I didn't know Malaysians knew so much about biryani," he said.

However, biryani aside, he hoped that Pakistanis and Malaysians could raise their awareness of each other's culture, through cultural exchanges.

He noted that there were many similarities between the two cultures because of their religious values, history and widespread use of English.

Masood also emphasised the role played by the Malaysia-Pakistan Business Council with regards to bilateral trade relations, and said it could act as a platform for tapping into business opportunities in Pakistan.

Formed in March last year, the council is steered by Chairman Datuk Mohamad Salim Fateh Din, whom Masood believes has made a very good start by organising various activities, including sending a delegation to a recent expo in Pakistan and conducting business matchmaking sessions for entrepreneurs from both sides.

The envoy also announced that in recognition of Mohamad Salim's contribution and role in enhancing economic cooperation between the two countries, the Pakistani government was awarding him a medal of distinction, which will be formally presented to him on Pakistan Day, March 24 next year.

When asked about his new posting, Masood said he was looking forward to it and described the posting to China as an "important assignment for any Pakistani diplomat."

Mohamad Salim, meanwhile, agreed that with the establishment of the council, Malaysian businessmen now had a platform to make further inroads into Pakistan.

"We can now talk about economic and social issues and other matters that were not previously discussed by businessmen in both countries. The council is a vital platform to spearhead more business interactions as well as social and cultural exchanges," he added.