All business sites in the three federal territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan are allocated for its respective residents and the federal territories ministry will not compromise with non-local traders attempting to invade the sites, says minister, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.

He said residents of the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory needed to pass certain requirements set by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) as well as go through balloting to carry out business at the sites.

"Yesterday (Friday), I asked the police, DBKL and the Civil Defence Force to constantly monitor (the situation) to prevent traders from other states from doing business at the sites.

"If it happened again, we will take immediate action against the irresponsible parties," he told reporters after handing over 'duit raya' cash packets in conjunction with the 'Jom Shopping Raya 2017' programme organised by the Federal Territories Foundation (YWP) here today.

Tengku Adnan was commenting on a fight which broke out between local and non-local traders in Masjid India here recently.

Tengku Adnan said DBKL had lodged a police report on the incident and that investigations were underway.

Meanwhile, a total of 960 children from poor families at 12 locations in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya received the cash packets and shopping coupons.

This year, he said YWP had allocated RM6.5 million for various social community schemes and welfare such as disaster relief programme, social contribution and general aid scheme.