Former PAS vice president and Bachok MP Nasharudin Mat Isa has been dropped from the PAS Syura Council for breaking several of the party’s regulations.

PAS secretary general Datuk Mustafa Ali confirmed the matter to Astro Awani on Sunday. However he refused to elaborate on the membership revocation.

Mustafa claimed he was not present at the meeting in which the decision had been made.

“I was not present at the meeting, I am not involved,” he said.

It was learnt that Nasharudin’s membership was revoked on Jan 13.

On Jan 22, Nasharudin had joined the delegation of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on a humanitarian visit to Gaza.

When members of PAS condemned this act, Nasharudin had said that he does not want to pay heed to any accusations and slanders hurled against him.

He had explained the visit had nothing to do with the party and the visit was made as a concerned Muslim for the plight of other Palestinians.

Following the revocation, Umno Information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan opined the decision to remain as a PAS member or not was Nasharudin’s call.

He told Astro Awani that he does not want to speculate on what Nasharudin’s next move.

He added whatever Nasharudin’s decision takes, it would the best to base it on the current political situation.

“I assume he is a noble man with high values. Wherever he goes after this is up to him,” he said when asked if Umno is ready to accept into the party.

Ahmad also said the revocation is proof that PAS has internal problems.

“PAS is not a democratic party that can accept different views. I think PAS can no longer call themselves a party that upholds the leadership of their scholars after the revocation ,” he said.

On Sept 9 last year, the council had made a decision to retain Nasharuddin as a member despite pressure from various quarters to revoke his membership as he had suggested that PAS pull out from Pakatan Rakyat.