Muslims in the country should be grateful for being able to carry out their religious obligations during Ramadan in peace, compared with those in other Muslim nations which are in conflict and unrest, said the Prime Minister's wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor today.

She said the peace enjoyed by the people was the result of a government which gave priority to ensuring political, economic and social stability in a multi-racial community like Malaysia.

"Hence, let us pray for this peace and harmony to prevail," she said at the presentation of tithe by Umno Cheras to 450 recipients here today.

Also present were Cheras Umno leader Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee and Berjaya Corporation Berhad executive director Datuk Zainah Musa.

Rosmah also reminded Muslims to celebrate Aidilfitri in a moderate manner to avoid wastage and excessive spending.

"Children who receive 'duit Raya' should not think of just spending the money, but to also save some," she added.

She also advised those going back to their hometowns for the Aidilfitri celebration to drive safely.