Russia's proposal that Syria place all its chemical weapons in the custody of an international body to avoid a possible attack from the United States, must be given due consideration before any military intervention takes place said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Tuesday.

Muhyiddin said Malaysia is worried that any military offensive against Syria would bring about a bigger tragedy.

The Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister voiced his concern during a meeting with his counterpart from the United Kingdom (UK) Nick Clegg, here,Tuesday.

According to Muhyiddin, UK had also voiced a similar concern over the issue but UK's respond had a slight variation because of its long standing close relationship with the United States.

"The slight difference in (UK) opinion could be due to the close relationship between UK and the United States. But whatever difference in opinion, the main concern must be to try and solve the crisis in Syria through a more cordial manner," he told reporters after meeting Clegg at the Whitehall, here.

The Deputy Prime Minister is scheduled to chair a roundtable meeting with captains of industry in the United Kingdom (UK) during his five-day working visit to London from Sunday.

Muhyiddin said Malaysia was saddened and disappointed that the crisis in Syria had prolonged and claimed many innocent life.

"If possible we would like to see the crisis resolved without any intervention," he said.

He said he would also seek the assistance of the British government to assist Malaysia's candidature to become a member of organisations under the United Nations to try and solve various issues and crisis throughout the world like non-permanent status in the UN Security Council, International Maritime Organisation, Human Rights Commission and etc.

"He (Clegg) said the British government would not normally make any open statements in support but I told him that UK's moral support was important to Malaysia and I saw that he was quite positive and he also wants to see how the Malaysia-UK relationship can be strengthened," he said.

Muhyiddin said the Egypt issue was also touched on during his meeting with Clegg, and according to the latter, the British government would always try and assist in solving the crisis in both countries.