KUALA LUMPUR: Maintaining the country's political stability to ensure the COVID-19 post-pandemic recovery process can be implemented before the 15th General Election (GE15) is among the demands by some of the MPs during the debate session in the Dewan Rakyat today.

They opined that the political stability in the country currently was a historic success achieved through the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Transformation and Political Stability signed by the government and the opposition last Sept 13.

In fact, Anthony Loke Siew Fook (PH-Seremban) even suggested the government to discuss extending the MoU, which will expire this July 31, or enter into a new agreement, MoU 2.0, thus giving more time for the country's recovery process, but not for holding a general election.

He said the escalating spread of COVID-19 should be considered before a general election could be held.

"We can have an agreement and understanding, when it's time for election, we leave it to the people to make their choice. Certainly, we will contest and fight against Barisan Nasional, but this is not the right time for an election.

"... COVID-19 has not subsided, it is not over yet. We postpone the election, maybe until the end of this Parliamentary term," he said when debating the motion of thanks on the royal address at the Dewan Rakyat sitting today.

Loke said the discussions could be held after the amendment to the Federal Constitution for the Anti-Party Hopping Bill, which is among the agenda agreed in the MoU, is passed.

He also raised other agendas that should be considered for reform purpose through the MoU, including the appointment for key positions in the government such as the Attorney-General and the Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Meanwhile, Datuk Dr Xavier Jayakumar (Independent-Kuala Langat) also opined that in order for the government to stabilize the economy, finance and assistance to the people, any election to be held after the Johor state election should be extended to 2023.

"Give room for the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob) to extend programme that are of priority to the people within a year, and ensure our government and country are stable," he said.

Noor Amin Ahmad (PH-Kangar) is of the view that stability in a true democratic practices does not mean uniformity of voice or underestimating different views, but to paying attention to the various different perspectives.

He said the country's democratic system should function best with the practice of check and balance and suggested re-introducing the , apart from proposing that the Parliamentary Service Commission to further strengthen the functions of Parliament.

Meanwhile, Su Keong Siong (PH-Kampar) stressed that the MoU signed by PH MPs did not cause them to turn away from looking after the welfare of the people, instead it was an effort to protect the people's interests.

The Dewan Rakyat sitting continues on Monday.