KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia remains committed to support the international community's efforts in the fight against terrorism, and reiterated calls for a robust and effective collective action to combat the global threat at the Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly.

"No nation is immune to the threat of international terrorism. We believe that it is only through international cooperation and our collective efforts that we can hope to succeed in our determination to combat terrorism," Malaysia's Ambassador to Iran, Khairi Omar said when delivering the country's statement "Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism" during the meeting held in New York on Oct 2.

He said the fight against terrorism requires concerted efforts through the UN as well as through regional and bilateral initiatives.

The country also fully supports the four pillars of action contained in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (GCTS).

Malaysia strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including acts in which States were directly or indirectly involved. It also deplored the recent terror attacks in Turkiye and Pakistan, which saw civilian casualties.

"Terrorism and violent extremism is a major threat to world peace and security. Attributing terrorism to a particular religion, nationality, civilisation, or ethnic group is wrong.

"No religion propagates terrorism; and no nationality, civilisation, or ethnic group is predisposed to it. Therefore, Malaysia strongly disagrees with the negative stereotyping and profiling of Muslims as terrorists," he said.

Domestically, Khairi said Malaysia believes that preventive measures are more effective in addressing terrorism-related threats, thus it has put in place laws such as the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012, the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) 2015 and the Special Measures against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Act (SMATA) 2015.

"We will continue to enact new laws that are consistent with Malaysia's international obligations. While preventive laws are essential in maintaining peace and security, Malaysia is always committed to ensuring that all its citizens can enjoy their fundamental liberties in a manner which does not infringe on the exercise of the rights of others.

"Our efforts are further strengthened through cooperation with foreign law enforcement authorities in the investigations and prosecutions of alleged terrorists and their activities," he said.

He said given the threat of online radicalisation and recruitment, especially those targetting the youth, the Southeast Asia Regional Centre on Counter-Terrorism (SEARCCT) based in Kuala Lumpur has continued to actively engage the public through its counter-messaging initiatives in order to educate the public on the dangers of terrorism as well as to raise awareness on indicators of radicalisation and recruitment.

Malaysia is a party to 11 of the international counter-terrorism conventions and protocols. At the regional level, Malaysia is a party to the ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism ("ACCT").

He said Malaysia also commended the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) for bringing to the fore important discussions on the multiple dimensions of the threat and chellenges in countering terrorism.

"Malaysia has and will continue to participate in these discourses and trainings with great interest. My delegation acknowledges the benefits of conferences and meetings held throughout the year by the relevant UN agencies and bodies dealing with counter-terrorism.

"Malaysia remains open and supportive with regards to the convening of a high-level conference under the auspices of the UN," the ambassador added.