Film industry players were reminded to foster a love for the industry to take it to a higher level of progress and fame in the future.

Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said they should focus their attention on the industry, as done by artistes or film personalities before them.

"Don't use positions in associations as a stepping stone to politics or personal interests.

"On the other hand, they should be full focused because the industry needs dedicated players who love it deeply," he said during an Appreciation Night For Film figure, Tan Sri Dr. L. Krishnan, here, Tuesday night.

He said the main players in the film industry must bring in new values including new productions to be expanded whereby the direction of the industry would be in their hands.

Rais said this group would go on to create a name for themselves and be remembered in the future as those who had developed and made the film industry progressive.

During the ceremony, Rais handed over a medal, trophy, certificate of appreciation and RM30,000 to Krishnan.

Krishnan ventured into the Malay film world in 1949 as a film director at Shaw Studios and later with Studio Cathay-Kris in Singapore before coming to Kuala Lumpur in 1960 to set up Studio Merdeka with Ho Ah Loke.

He had directed more than 30 films and succeeded in creating several big names in the national film industry who became legends such as the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee, Datuk Maria Menado, Kasma Booty, Datuk Mustapha Maarof, M. Amin, Latifah Omar and Datin Rosnani Jamil.

Krishnan, 90, in his speech said his family and colleagues in the industry helped him a lot during his career. He also thanked those who appreciated his contributions and sacrifices in the Malay film industry all these while.