Kedah PAS Ulama Council want the authorities to investigate and take action against controversial scholar Kassim Ahmad.

They have also lodged a report against him for his recent lecture in Putrajaya, at the at the Kota Setar Police Headquarters, on Wednesday.

The council's secretary Ahmad Yahya, said that the seminar which was held at the Perdana Leadership Foundation, on Sunday could disrupt the country's harmony.

"He reiterated his earlier statements that hadith is not the primary source for Muslims, a woman's hair is not part of aurat which need to be covered and also on matters that glorified the Prophet and ulamas.

"Therefore, we believe his statements could cause dissatisfaction among Muslims in the country. It also challenged the sovereignty of Islam in this country," he told Sinar Harian.

The Alor Mengkudu Assemblyman also said the council could not tolerate anything that could spark conflicts among Muslims in the country.

"His statement clearly insulted the Prophet Muhammad, Islam and the Hadith. This has tarnished Islam and is contradictory to the Islamic faith," he said.