A group of men recently threatened an enforcement officer in this state, warning him not take action against vessels attempting to smuggle in migrants via the eastern shores of Johor.

Johor Police Chief Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said three suspects, all locals, are said to be involved in the smuggling of migrants and contraband cigarettes and liquor.

Police are currently investigating the matter, he added.

“The suspects and warned and threatened the officer that if enforcement continued, then there could be shootings and so on.

“We have identified the suspects and arrests will be made soon. We cannot allow these gangsters or smugglers to operate or use threats. This is not a foreign country, this is Malaysia and in Johor, I will not tolerate all these,” he told a media conference here today.

He was responding to public complaints in Sungai Tiram in Ulu Tiram and Sungai Rengit in Kota Tinggi of smugglers trails being laid to sneak in migrants.

“The public do not have to worry. Just relay information to the police and we will take action,” he said.

“Smuggling activity, whether involving migrants or contraband, is not a new thing in the east coast of Johor. We know there are local villagers involved too, but I am confident many in society have realised this and are passing information the police or the Armed Forces… In fact, many of the authorities’ successful cases were due to information passed on by locals,” he said.

Meanwhile, commenting on gambling activity in Johor, Ayob Khan said in July alone, police conducted 244 raids that resulted in 343 suspects arrested.