The weather in flood-hit Terengganu improved overnight, allowing the floodwaters to recede faster and thus reducing the number of evacuees at relief centres.

The number of evacuees dropped to 8,313 as at 9am today from 9,816 last night.

The evacuees, from 2,414 families, are being housed at 117 relief centres in seven districts.

According to the Welfare Department portal Infobanjir, worst-hit Hulu Terengganu district saw a drop in the number of evacuees, to 1,289 (437 families) from 2,780 (956 families) last night.

Besut, which had the highest number of evacuees at one time, saw a drastic drop to 4,200 (1,197 families) in the number of evacuees at 54 centres as at 9am. Yesterday, 4,226 people (1,207 families) were at 57 centres in the district.

The number of evacuees also dropped in Setiu, to 1,146 (327 families) from 1,338 (409 families) and in Kemaman, to 566 (153) from 598 (161).

In Dungun, there was an increase in the number of evacuees, to 925 (249 families) from 763 (205).

There was also an increase in Kuala Terengganu, to 148 from 72.

The situation in Marang remained unchanged, with 39 people from 13 families at the only relief centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pasir Putih.

The Drainage and Irrigation Department reported on its website,, that the levels of all rivers were below the danger point as at 9am. -- Bernama