The heads of department (HODs) of enforcement agencies should monitor their officers and personnel who live a luxurious lifestyle beyond their means, said Anti-Corruption Advisory Board member Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

He said corruption among law enforcers is no longer a minor issue but rampant in some agencies.

He said corruption involving the group was abnormal because it had a great impact and can trigger a chain of crimes.

"The HODs should show a good example to their subordinates in accordance with the leadership by example principle.

"The agencies involved should never protect any personnel involved in corruption and must not tolerate it because corruption can dampen public confidence in the integrity of the respective law enforcement agencies," he said in a statement.

Musa said collaboration between the relevant agencies was also important so that holistic and integrated action can be taken to address the issue effectively.

"I think the arrest of 'protective syndicates' or beneficiaries of corruption among law enforcement circles alone is not effective if no action is taken against the head of syndicates and operators of illegal activities who offer bribes.

"Moreover, the public must be informed that the arrests of officials or law enforcers who take bribes in small amounts can no longer be considered a usual case or catching the small fry," he said.

Musa said action taken by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to hunt down enforcement personnel involved in graft and abuse of power must be commended, but it also needs support, in particular of the agencies involved.

He said the action would give people confidence in the ability of the MACC and agencies involved to function better. -- Bernama