The Information, Communications and Culture Ministry is drawing up the conditions for telecommunication companies (telcos) to adhere to, in the government's implementation of the RM200 rebate for youths for the purchase of one 3G smartphone.

Its minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said discussions on the matter were held with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) following amendments made to the conditions set before being finalised soon.

"We will implement an easier procedure including registration of the authorised dealers and responsibilities of the telcos covering proof of purchase and method of reimbursing the RM200 rebate."

Rais said this after the presentation of the 1Malaysia students' discount card (KADS1M) and launching of the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris' (UPSI) crosscountry programme and mentor-student get-together, here, today.

Also present were Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) general manager Datuk Hasnul Hassan, Special Affairs Department director-general Datuk Fuad Hassan, the ministry's deputy secretaries-general Datuk Dr Rothiah Omar and Datuk Ab Ghaffar A Tambi, and UPSI vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Zakaria Kasa.

"The giving of the rebate, whether through card or claim, will be studied before implementation where the rebate can also be checked through the website," said Rais.

He said there would also be conditions for the smartphone retailers to adhere to, to prevent them from taking advantage of this facility by charging higher prices for the smartphones.

"I believe there will be encouraging purchase of this sophisticated smartphone," he said, adding that most people in Malaysia now had a handphone.

Under the 2013 Budget announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Sept 28, youths aged 21 to 30 with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below or without income are entitled to a one-off rebate of RM200 for the purchase of one 3G smartphone from an authorised dealer under the Youth Communication Package.

Earlier, Rais joined a motorcycle convoy of 100 members of the Kumpulan Rakan Siswa Malaysia (KARISMA) UPSI touring the Sultan Azlan Shah Campus, here, and he then officially opened the Ruang Rakan Siswa at the KARISMA office.

As part of the programme, an exhibition was also held, participated by agencies under his ministry including the National Culture and Arts Department, MCMC, Bernama, Broadcasting Department (RTM) and the National Registration Department.