The mandatory switch to the use of biodegradable plastic and paper bags enforced on Jan 1 has received positive response.

Federal Territories deputy minister Datuk Dr Loga Bala Mohan said some traders and hawkers had yet to oblige but noted that the ruling was still in transition before being fully enforced on Sept 1.

"There are grouses from traders but not that vehement. We use the 3E formula that is, educate, engagement (with the community) and enforcement, to get the point across.

"For now, the enforcement is more on reprimand to educate the community. So far the ministry is satisfied," he told reporters after launching the Fly the Federal Territory Flag Campaign here, today.

When the ruling is fully enforced in September, errant traders and hawkers could be imposed a compound of up to the maximum RM2,000 by the Federal Territories Ministry.

Loga Bala said the ministry's proactive move was aimed at increasing public awareness of the health risk of non-degradable plastics and polystyrene, besides boosting the development of the biodegradable product industry.

The launch on the use of biodegradable products was officiated by Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor on June 3, 2016.

Meanwhile, Loga Bala said the Fly the Federal Territory Flag campaign was initiated in conjunction with the Federal Territories Day celebration on Feb 1 themed, 'Wilayah Ceria Rakyat Sejahtera', which was also the theme used last year.

He said there would be various activities to mark the occasion such as the 1Wilayah Persekutuan cycling convoy at Dataran Merdeka on Feb 19, chess competition (Feb 11), IPT sports carnival: Federal Territories Minister Trophy (Feb 11-12), KL Fest Supercar and Autoshow (Feb 12), International Motofest (Feb 24) and Labuan Go Green (Feb 25).

There will also be spiritual enlightenment programmes such as the 'Program Ilmiah Bersama Datuk Ustaz Kazim Elias dan Ustaz Ebit Lew' (Feb 3) and '1Wilayah Persekutuan Kenduri'. -- Bernama