The test results on the fried noodles alleged to be tainted with glass shards eaten by several pupils of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Ladang Nigel Gardner, Hulu Selangor will be ready in two weeks, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam.

He said the ministry is currently cooperating with the Education Ministry to ensure that investigations into the matter would be resolved.

He said the two ministries are also investigating why the canteen operator had cooked the meal at home and not in the school's canteen, as well as where the glass shards came from.

"The pupils ate fried mee hoon distributed by the canteen operator who prepared the noodles at home before serving it at the school. Later, the children suffered stomach aches because the noodles contained glass shards," he told reporters after launching the Mobile iDengue application, in collaboration with the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry.

Dr Subramaniam said it would be easier to monitor if the noodles were prepared in school rather than at home, due to the presence of teachers and committee members.

"I will see if there are any other canteen operators preparing meals at home. There should be a guideline if they are allowed to do so to ensure that the kitchen is in good condition. This will be discussed with the Education Ministry," he said.

On Sunday, it was reported that seven pupils from the school were admitted to Sungai Buloh Hospital last Friday after reportedly eating glass shards in the noodles provided to them under the Food Programme (RMT).

The matter sparked anger among parents, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak who said stern action will be taken against those responsible for threatening the students' health.

Yesterday, Deputy Education Minister Datuk P. Kamalanathan said the officers in charge had been instructed to suspend the company which provided the tainted noodles.

The ministry was waiting for a full report from the school and the findings of the hospital before deciding on sterner action against the company.