KUALA LUMPUR:A former senior general manager of FGV Holdings Berhad was charged in the Sessions Court here today with agreeing to accept RM10,000 in gratification to recommend a company to be appointed to do audit work to obtain the  International Sustainable Carbon Certification (ISCC) for FGV Palm Industries Sdn Bhd.

Norazam Abdul Hameed, 52, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge which was read out to him before judge Azman Ahmad.

He was charged with corruptly agreeing to receive for himself gratification of RM10,000 from one Mohd Rizal Md Kassim as an inducement to recommend Syarikat MRA Sustainable Solution to do audit work to obtain the ISCC certificate for Kompleks Keratong 9, Kompleks Palong Timur, Kompleks Maokil, Kompleks Bukit Sagu, Kompleks Lepar Hilir, Kompleks Serting Hilir, Kompleks Lepar Utara 06 and Kompleks Serting which belonged to  FGV Palm Industries Sdn Bhd.

The offence was allegedly committed at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office, Jalan Cochrane here between 3.45 am and 3.55 pm on March 1, 2019.

The charge was framed under Section 16(a)(A) of the MACC Act 200, which is punishable under Section 24(1) of the same law, which provides an imprisonment for up to 20 years and fine of not less than five times the amount of the gratification, or RM10,000, whichever is higher, if found guilty.

The court allowed him bail of RM7,000 with one surety and to report himself at the MACC office one a month. It also set Nov 20 for mention.

Deputy public prosecutor  Nor Diana Nor Azwa , from MACC, prosecuted, while Norazam was represented by lawyer Mohd Hisyam Mad Nen.