The operation to locate two Singaporeans listed as missing at Mount Kinabalu following Friday's earthquake that hit Ranau has to be temporarily put on hold due to foggy conditions.

A police source said the move was taken so as not to put the lives of search and rescue personnel at risk.

The search will continue once the weather conditions return to normal, he said.

READ: Sabah quake: Body of Singaporean victim claimed by family

Yesterday, Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun told reporters that 16 bodies had been recovered while two people were still classified as missing until post-mortem examinations were completed.

Those confirmed killed as a result of the 5.9-magnitude quake, that also rocked Southeast Asia's highest peak, were six Malaysians, seven Singaporeans, a Filipino, a Chinese national and a Japanese national.

The two missing Singaporeans are a teacher and a pupil.

In Kota Kinabalu, several family members were seen waiting in a special room at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital where identification and post-mortem examinations were being conducted on the remains brought there.