UMNO’s efforts to reach out and engage with young people was commended by a PAS Youth delegate who regretted that such initiatives are not carried out by PAS.

PAS Tumpat delegate, Azhar Ibrahim urged the wing to follow UMNO’s example in engaging the young.

“UMNO can boast that they have many members, 18 years as members and this is how they empower UMNO members.

“We don’t see these kind of things in PAS. I have even brought up this issue so many times to the branch, division and state,’’ he said in his speech at the annual report and financial statement presentation session at the 54th PAS Youth muktamar today.

Azhar said PAS Youth should initiate various beneficial programmes in an effort to reach out to young people who have yet to join the party.

“This needs to be done to empower the party and don’t just concentrate on programmes for the party. Don’t carry out programmes solely for report purposes,” he said.

Meanwhile, PAS Youth exco member, Afnan Hamimi Taib expressed his hope that DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng would one day be able to utter the Kalimah syahadah, which is the confession of a Muslim before he undertakes the religion.

Afnan said his hopes are in line with the PAS and DAP’s Tahaluf Siyasi concept, which he said is the best platform for preaching.