Despite living in tough and confined conditions for decades, the internet is seen to play a greater role towards the empowerment of Palestinian youth living in Gaza.

According to the Islamic Relief Palestine Country Director Muneeb Abu Ghazaleh, the internet has allowed for countries from all over the world to provide training as well as job opportunities. One such example is the initiative called E-lancing or online freelancing opportunities.

“I really encourage people to try. It’s an option to give work opportunities for youth,” he said during an interview on Agenda AWANI.

He added that the humanitarian organisation will develop the technical, vocational, education and training centres for youth in the next three years. It remains a priority as 50 percent of total population in Gaza are below 18 years old.

“We have to keep going and should not surrender to the situation. The hope and and future of the younger generation is what we have to invest in as much as we can,” he added.