PUTRAJAYA: The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has issued compounds amounting to RM64,050 and seized items with an estimated value of RM52,897.31 during the enforcement of the Festive Season Maximum Price Control Scheme (SHMMP) in conjunction with Aidilfitri celebration.

KPDNHEP enforcement director, Azman Adam, said a total of 73 complaints were received during the period, from April 21 to May 20, all of which have been investigated and action will be taken.

He said a total of 51,138 inspections were carried out nationwide and action had been taken against traders who had failed to comply with the rules set.

"A total of 454 legal actions have been imposed, namely, 91 cases for selling items above the ceiling price; 186 cases for failing to use special price tags and 177 cases for failing to display price tags," he said in a statement today.

Azman said, overall, the inspections and monitoring carried out showed a high level of compliance, of 99 per cent, by traders and controlled items were sold according to the ceiling prices set by the government.

"In fact, some controlled items were found to be sold at lower prices than the ceiling price set. This positive scenario occurred due to healthy competition as well as balanced supply and demand factors in the market," he said.

He said as the ceiling price was set in line with the current market price, it had helped the scheme's smooth implementation.

Azman said that following the success, KPDNHEP would continue to implement the scheme for the upcoming Kaamatan Festival and Gawai Day celebrations.

He said an announcement on the list of goods and the ceiling price set would be announced by the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi, on Monday (May 24).